This is a fortune-telling, dream interpretation and feng shui GPT, called I Ching Eight Diagrams, it is based on a number of ancient Chinese classics, such as "I Ching", "Duke of Zhou Interprets dreams" and other great works of Chinese I Ching.这是一款算命、解梦看风水的GPT叫做易经八卦,它基于多部中国古老经典,比如《易经》、《周公解梦》等。
To use 算命看相(Fortune-telling and Physiognomy ), you have here list of started prompts so you can better understand ways to start conversation with 算命看相(Fortune-telling and Physiognomy ) GPTs.
HI,“ I Ching Eight diagrams ” Enter your name, birth year, date, hour, and (optional: gender), and the "I Ching" will give you an analysis of five attributes and 12 zodiac signs.
Added a new dream interpretation function, any dream users have at night, can ask GPTS to answer, it will use its knowledge base to interpret the dream.
Can you tell my fortune by reading my palm or face (upload a photo of my face or the front of my palm directly)?